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Article: OnLine Khabar - How Rewati Gurung was inspired to start Kokroma

OnLine Khabar - How Rewati Gurung was inspired to start Kokroma
Baby Box

OnLine Khabar - How Rewati Gurung was inspired to start Kokroma

Kokroma: Blending the uniqueness of Nepali bhoto with European business tricks

Diwakar Pyakurel's article in OnLine Khabar from December, 2019

"Rewati Gurung was well-exposed to the western world during her formative years. She studied English literature in her master’s first and moved to development studies–both courses were dominated by theories and examples from America and Europe. Consequently, her brain was programmed to think that foreigners, whites in particular, were better than Nepalis."

Read the article here: Kokroma

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